Monday, 26 January 2009

Day 26 - Rocking around the Christmas tree

Facebook members: 272

We're not going to get to 300 by the end of the month are we? Nooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! Oh well. It's not important because we pretty much did the song today. It currently ticks most of the boxes. Let's revisit the list:

Step 10 - Father Christmas
Step 9 - Pop
Step 8 - Snow
Step 7 - Love
Step 6 - The Brass Section
Step 5 - The Video
Step 4 - Choral Arrangement
Step 3 - Key changes
Step 2 - The Lyric 'Christmas'
Step 1 - Tubular Bells

We have Father Christmas twice. It's quite poppy although it's probably a bit more rocky than poppy. Snow gets a yes in terms of the lyric 'Your snowy disposition just leaves me cold'. 'Love'? Well it's about not loving someone anymore. Step 6 and 5 are both not there yet but for understandable reasons. The brass section will go on with the recording and obviously we haven't thought about the video yet. There is an agreed section towards the end of the song set aside for the choir although I am still not sure where we're going to get a choir from. 'Christmas' lyric is in the chorus and there are most definitely tubular bells and sleigh bells. So really, all that is missing is the key change. It just doesn't fit and, for that, I am eternally sorry. Will it make the difference between a number one and no number one? I very much doubt it.

Exciting times!

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