Sunday, 11 January 2009

Day 10 - It's too late

Facebook members: 199

Well, we nearly made 200. Never mind, we'll get there tomorrow. We just had a top gig with Countryside and The Get Outs. Nearly a sell out too which meant I was able to pay everyone. We also gave away a bunch of CDs with the 365 flyer in them so hopefully some more people will get involved.

It's pretty late and I am pretty tired so this is going to be a quick one.

Step 6 - The Brass Section

This is Michael's suggestion. Nice to have some input. We need a brass section. I am thinking proper Sally Army style. I've never written any brass music though. I guess it must be similar to writing strings with an underlying bass section then a lead thing going on over the top. Who knows, I am sure I'll work it out.

Anyway, my finger's really hurting from being so very rock and roll, so it's off to bed for me.


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