Saturday, 17 January 2009

Day 16 - BLOG FAIL!

Facebook members: 251

Oops, I got a little typsy after work last night and forgot to do the blog. Still, you'll be pleased to know that I did manage to have a nice curry from the lovely Kathmandu. That's a restaurant, not the actual place, that would be stupid.

Anyway, think number ones. I don't like the number one at the moment very much. People are spouting a lot of crap about Lady GaGa being the next Kylie or Madonna. I can't see it myself, I just don't think it's very good pop. Judge for yourself:

Lady GaGa (29 million hits, WTF?!):



Here's a little sense on the whole thing:

Right, I am off to buy some more snowboarding equipment that I don't need. Have a nice weekend.

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