Monday, 19 January 2009

Day 19 - Success

Facebook members: 261

So, the song is go. We started it and it seemed to work. I think it's going to be a long process to be quite honest, we did about 4 bars. It does sound a bit miserable though. I think I will have to write an ultra happy verse or break-down to offset some of the negativity of the start. We have also established that it's quite hard to make tubular bell sounds with a guitar and a delay pedal. So the question is, do we record a backing track or just wing it for the live performances.

I had a dream (not in the Martin Luther King sense, in the actual sense) about the video the other day. The annoying thing is, it was one of those dreams that you remember having but don't remember the actual specifics of. One thing I do know is it was definitely good. But that doesn't really help us at the moment.

We're pushing towards the big 300, at which stage I will send out a mail to our members and see if we can push the membership up a bit more. It's a great start for the first month but we need to keep the momentum going to make an impact on things and get the hype going a bit.

So yes, positive positive. In a while.

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