Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Day 20 - Writer's Block

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I can't write the chorus, I can't write the chorus, la la la la la la la. Arse. Everything I sing ends up either 'Its Christmas' or 'Merry Christmas'. I don't think this is the way forward somehow. I don't think it helps that I am currently watching Leaving Las Vegas, Elisabeth Shue in full affect! Man this is one depressing film. When you have children and they start turning in to binge drinking street urchins, just sit them down in front of this film with 2 bottles of tequila. They'll either kill themselves or never drink again. It certainly put me off my glass of Christmassy Pinot Noir (see, there was a tenuous link there). At some stage I am going to give up talking about Christmassy things and this is just going to turn in to a narcissistic, boring blog, like the millions of other deluded people who think that other people give a crap what they think. Aren't I positive this evening?! It's this film I tell you.

An important question was raised yesterday. Is this a Christmas song, a FIRSTOFTHEGIANTS song or a FIRSTOFTHEGIANTS Christmas song? One could say that we are in the realms of semantics, but I think it is an important question. I would really like it to be the latter of the three and, in some respects, there is little point in us doing it if it is not. But then is that what people really want? We're not a signed band for one reason or another. One of those reasons, I suppose, is that I don't have the capacity to write a Christmas number one. Of course, I don't believe that to be the reason, I think it's more likely that we don't look right, or sound right at any precise time when it has been important. It must, of course, be a Christmas song so that rules out the middle option. So option one or three? I think we will just have to wait and see.

Bottle of vodka in the shower anyone?

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