Thursday 17 September 2009

Getting Close: Artwork Preview!!

So yes, it's pretty much all in the bag now. We have finished the share certificates and they are ready to be sent out with the CDs, which should be with us soon. They are currently being lovingly crafted by a big laser in France somewhere. To say we're excited is somewhat of an understatement. I've ummed and ahhed about previewing the album cover. It was up on Facebook yesterday as I wanted to host it somewhere to show a few people and a few other people saw it. The feed back was very positive and, therefore, in order to tantalise the tastebuds a bit more for the actual launch, here it is in all its gloriousness.

If it's not immediately obvious, the concept is that I am a preacher that no one is listening to. Hopefully it will make more sense when you hear the title track of the album. What I said about embarrassing situations in Broadmead shopping centre should also me more obvious. Clearly even though there weren't actually that many people there at the time (the marvels of modern technology) I still felt pretty stupid. This is obviously only part of the artwork, I will definitely leave the rest as a surprise. The download facility we are using at Bandcamp allows bonus files. So if you download the whole album for a fiver (or are lucky enough to be given a free download, either at the album launch or from one of our shareholders) you can download all the artwork that you can then print, cut and fold and add to a CD (if you feel so inclined). Obviously, if you're just an iTunes (or similar) user and get all your album covers via the CDDB service, it will be on there too.

So on to the album launch, which is bearing down on us like a large thing that bears down on unsuspecting folk. Everything is in place, the flyers and posters have been distributed, we got a nice little recommendation in Venue (not Venue Choice but then we are competing with the new Colston Hall launch) and the setlist is finalised. We have come across one potential little hitch. The attached picture should tell more than I can in words.

Isla O'Connor was born unto the world last Sunday. Isn't she a gem! Horrendously large congratulations to Michael and Emma. As you can see, however, this has rendered our guitarist rather full in the hands department. I was convinced that she would make a surprise guest appearance on the 26th but she decided to pop up three weeks earlier than expected. I am sure the man with the dancing fingers and the microphone aversion will do his best to make the show but little babies tend to be a bit more important than ageing rock stars. As a reminder (I am not sure whether I posted this before) but the line up for the launch is as follows:

8.40 - Cabaret Rat
9.30 - The Get Outs

Tickets can be purchased in advance from Bristol Ticket Shop or on the door. Unless you're a shareholder in which case you get one free entry.

So yes, that's all for now folks. Not long now.

Steve FOTG

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